Support TORSOE Ministry

TORSOE is a ministry of education, inspiration, and conservation. We promote physical, mental and spiritual health from the Bible as well as physical, mental and spiritual preparation for the final crisis in the great controversy between Christ and Satan. God has led us to make education a priority in 2024. Therefore, have launched the TORSOE Wholistic Biblical Wellness Institute. We will have several courses that help our students to achieve physical, mental and spritual health and physical, mental and spiritual preparation for the crisis ahead. We do accept tithes, offering and general donations all of which are tax deductible.
You can support by writing to us at TORSOE Ministry P O Box 208 Curtisville, PA. 15032. You can also use our donate button at the top of the page. We also store credit cards in an encrypted system for those who want us to keep a credit or debit card on file. If you want to support through Zelle, use Shelem Flemons and the phone number 706-897-8537. If you choose to use CashApp, the cashtag is $Shelem. For Venmo, use @Shelem-Flemons. For these typeof alternative methods, please send a text message to let us know that you are sending a donation and what it is for so that it can be allocated properly.
One of our goals in 2024 is secure a property for a headquarters for our education, health and gospel work.
We thank you for all your prayers and support.